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Revitalize and Nourish: An 8-Week Journey to Optimal Digestive Wellbeing


Embark on a transformative 8-week program dedicated to revitalizing and nourishing your digestive system. This comprehensive package is designed to address a range of digestive issues, including SIBO, leaky gut, low agni, weight gain, and more, providing you with personalized natural healing support and guidance under the expert care of Dr. Seeta's Ayurvedic holistic and ayurvedic coaching services.


Begin your journey with a thorough 90-minute initial consultation, where Dr. Seeta will evaluate your health and wellness goals. Together, you will develop a tailored program to meet your specific needs. Throughout the program, you will engage in weekly 30-40 minute coaching calls and consultation sessions, ensuring continuous support and progress evaluation. To further assist you, an accountability and support system will be in place to help you stay on track and motivated throughout the program.


As part of the program, you will receive personalized herbal recommendations, carefully selected to complement your healing journey. Additionally, enjoy the benefits of specially crafted, customized tonics, teas and herbals that will support your overall wellness and digestive health.


Dr. Seeta's Ayurvedic coaching services go beyond dietary recommendations. You will also receive individualized Ayurvedic nutritional guidance, empowering you to make informed choices about what and when to eat based on your unique dosha type. This holistic approach ensures a balanced and harmonious state of being.


Furthermore, Dr. Seeta will guide you in incorporating dosha-specific Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines into your daily routine. By aligning your activities and habits with your dosha, you will experience increased vitality and thrive in all aspects of your life.


Dr. Seeta's personalized approach to Ayurvedic medicine and natural healing will provide you with the support and guidance necessary to achieve optimal health and wellness. Experience the transformative power of Ayurveda and take the first step towards natural healing by booking your personalized Ayurvedic coaching package with Dr. Seeta today!

8-Week Gut Reset & Rejuvenation

$2,360.00 Regular Price
$1,888.00Sale Price
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